
Archive for 30 de noviembre de 2010

Towards a healthier, happier, eco-effective Barcelona.

Greening the city, connecting communities, C2C city

Many of us in Barcelona en Transició believe that Barcelona city is in a very good position to become an urban leader once again, as it has been before, especially 150 years ago with the Eixample vision of Ildefons Cerdà. Those that are in the position to make calls for how the city moves foreward could take bold steps to try to make the city demonstrate to Europe and the world what a sustainable city could be. We in the Transition group have ideas we wish to share about what such eco urban visions might be…

THE SELF-SUFFICIENT CITY: Envisioning the habitat of the future was a recent architectural competition run by IAAC (Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia). A submission from one of the Barcelona en Transició collective, based on Transition and Permacultural ideas, was selected as a finalist, published  in IAAC´s book, and its 1 minute film summary of the proposal was screened in CCCB. (más…)

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